About AlisonAlison has recently moved back to BC from over a decade living both abroad, and in Alberta. She has spent years working in the tourism industry, teaching English as a second language in China, and most recently as a Registered Massage Therapist in Alberta. She has a passion for learning about how the human body works, and the connective nature between our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Having obtained her massage education at Makami College in Edmonton, AB, she has a wide range of knowledge and skills pertaining to massage. |
Areas of InterestRelaxation
Clinic HoursTuesday - 2PM to 7PM
Wednesday - 8AM to 2PM Thursday - 8AM to 2PM Friday - 2PM to 7PM Saturday - 10AM to 5PM |
Direct Billing*Non- registered practitioners cannot be submitted to insurance
Fun Fact
She has a little parrotlet named Buddy.
*Please see the Direct Billing page for more information